After reading The Sasquatch Mystery I was craving to read a Trixie Belden book that had a true Trixie vibe as I felt that for at least half of The Sasquatch Mystery I wasn't really in Trixieland.
Even though The Hudson River Mystery wasn't the next mystery in the series and I have been reading I grabbed it from the shelf because I wanted a mystery at home on Crabapple farm and I knew if the mystery was on The Hudson then the mystery was going to be at home.
I wasn't disappointed.
The story starts with Trixie doing chores at zcabapple farm with Honey giving a helping hand. Even Dan managed to turn up early in the story and even though it was a minor role it was great to see him back instead of hearing the usual he is working excuse.
Trixieisms to the max in this book didn't disappoint me. Gleeps, jeepers, Di and Dan both being present, Mart playing with words, being called Ms. schoolgirl Shamus, Mart telling Di she is attractive, Di calling Mart cute, Jim having a sparkle in his eyes talking to Trixie, what more could you want?
You get a bit of a history lesson of The Hudson with this one, reminiscent of what you got in The Mystery in Arizona.
Gosh I even learnt what to do if my car fell in a river and started sinking..... Hopefully I will never have to use that knowledge.
Add to this a good mystery based on Trixie thinking she saw a shark in The Hudson River and I was truly in Trixieland again. FINALLY.
What a great read and just what I needed.